Sunday, 30 September 2012


The nights are drawing in and the weather's getting blustery, so as we mentioned in our last post tomorrow's photohunt will be the last regular photohunt of the year.

However, we're not going out without a bang, so after our usual hunt (meeting at the corn exchange at 6:45pm) we'll be heading for The Maven for drinks. There we can share photos from the hunt, and there will be some special challenges around the bar for a special prize. We'll also be sharing our plans for over the winter.

We'd love to see you there!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

The last Flickrs of summer

Have you been to one of our PhotoHunts this year but not shared your successes? Shame on you.

There are different ways you can do it:

1) Got a Flickr account? (Or if not, got five minutes to create one?) Then you can join our Flickr Group and add your best shots. Name the photo with the word you hunted and tag it LeedsPhotoHunt.

2) Tweet it and copy our account in so we can RT the best ones - Our account is @LeedsPhotoHunt

3) Be incredibly lazy and just email us and we'll bung some online for you.

Don't be shy. There's a mix of talent and experience come along to both the monthly hunts and the specials.

As an added incentive, we're looking at organising an exhibition of some of the best photos in Leeds soon, so if you post a few you might be able to add 'Exhibited Photographer' to your CV.

We're risking the weather for one last outdoor hunt this year before the dark nights set in. We'll be starting from the Corn Exchange again at 6:45pm on Monday the 1st of October with an hour of feverish hunting followed by a bit of socialising at a nearby public house.

Wear comfy shoes, bring some form of camera and we'll see you there

Friday, 31 August 2012

Cornucopia -PhotoHunt 6:45pm Monday 3rd September

I don't know about you, but I love exchanging corn. I'll happily exchange it for anything.

Which makes it a wonderful coincidence that this month's PhotoHunt begins from the Corn Exchange!

This may be your last opportunity to get out in the late summer sun (yes, really, the weather does look half decent for Monday) so grab a camera,a phone with a camera on if you're one of those trendy people, or even a lapel badge with a camera concealed in it if you're an MI5 operative, then come and join us at 6:45pm for the start of what is guaranteed* to be an hour of fun and frolics**.

Afterwards everyone is invited to a drinky somewhere local for a natter and the award of this month's STAR PRIZE, worth a value of up to £1,000,000.

*No actual guarantee, but a very high likelihood.

**Leeds PhotoHunt does not condone excessive frolicking in public places.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Leeds Photohunt and Social

Photohunt isn't just about taking photos. It's about friendly competition whilst at the same time getting to know new people and having fun. Which is why this month we're having the normal photohunt starting at the Town Hall at 6.45pm, then after the usual hour of frantically taking photos we'll be heading to Dock St Market to take part in their quiz.

You can do just the photohunt or just the quiz or both, and you get to pick your own teams. As always it's all free! Hope to see you there!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Eeee I adiyo a hunting we will go

There's a 'normal' Leeds PhotoHunt tomorrow evening! (That's Monday the 2nd of July if you're reading this tomorrow.)

No festival, no requirement to be appreciative of wonderful architecture, you can, should it be your preference, be dull and uncouth for an evening.

You've been meaning to give a PhotoHunt a try for ages. Why not make it this one?

Come to Leeds Railway Station for 6:45. Bring a camera, or just use your camera phone if you want.

We give you a list of 50 words, you head off in small groups (or on your own if you really want!) and see how many interesting photos of the 50 things you can find in an hour.

You're then invited to join us for a drink to compare notes.

Hope to see you there.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Leeds Waterfront Festival - Word List

Want to join in with the PhotoHunt this weekend at Leeds Waterfront Festival?

You should find the list of words by clicking here. If you aren't sure how it works, there's a brief guide on there with links to all our sites and do have a read back through the blog if you'd like to know more.

Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Leeds Waterfront Festival 2012

This weekend is Leeds Waterfront Festival and along with all the other entertainment on offer, you can also join in a PhotoHunt while you explore and enjoy.
For those new to PhotoHunt, we give you a list of 50 words and you have to find and take photographs of all of them. Usually there's a time limit, but with the festival being on all weekend, we're letting you have the list so you can explore at your own pace.
You don't have to be a great photographer and the challenge is to come up with creative pictures, but all the words on the list can be found along and around the waterfront walk.
Can you find all 50?
Some are easier than others and we reckon five of them are a real challenge. If you can find all five of the words in capitals, email them to us and there may be a prize for the first one to get all five.
There's also an extra Word of the Weekend. Send us your best picture of that word and the one we think is best will be announced here and on twitter.
The list will be published before the festival, but not too far in advance - we don't want anyone being too keen and starting the hunt early!
In the meantime, check out The Leeds Waterfront Festival website for more details and check back here on Friday for the list and more information.
Any questions, you can reach us on or tweet us @leedsphotohunt

Monday, 25 June 2012

The People's Exhibition: Kirkstall Photo Forest

One of Leeds Photohunt's sister projects is The People's Exhibition; and it's back!

We'll be creating a photo forest for Kirkstall Festival 2012! That's right, a forest!

In the run up to Kirkstall Festival 2012 we’re asking you to take pictures of everything and anything you love about Kirkstall and/or Leeds as a whole. These can be artistic, sentimental, fun, odd…anything goes (so long as it’s legal and family friendly!) Have a look back through the blog for ideas from The People's Exhibition 2011.

These images will be printed and displayed at the festival in our Photo Forest, once again creating The People’s Exhibition of memories and experiences from the people of Leeds.

We need all-new photos to go into the Photo Forest. Think about what you love, go and take a picture of it, repeat for as many times as you like, and send the pictures to us at We’ll upload them to the blog here at and print them out to display in the Photo Forest. On the 14th July why not head to Kirkstall Abbey to take a stroll through our forest?

Please note to be guaranteed inclusion we need the photos by 8th July so we can get them printed.
As always you'll be included in the credits and retain all rights to your picture, don’t worry, we’re not vultures!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

RIBA Photohunt

On Saturday a bunch of intrepid hunters gathered in the rain to take part in the RIBA Photohunt. We know not all of you could make it though, and the weather didn't really comply with great hunting, so we're giving you a week to get out and take photos. There's prizes available for best photos uploaded to the LeedsPhotohunt Flickr Group by Sunday.

The words you need to be looking for (they're all architecture themed) are:

Arched windows
Stained glass
Ceramic tiles
Painted ceiling
Brass doorknob
Marble pillars
Yorkshire rose
Brick chimney
Dedication stone
Hanging baskets
Glass lift
Tiled floor
Gold owls
Blue plaque
Fire escape
Iron rialings
Tiled roof
Domed roof

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Summer Hunting

You may have heard of the the Glorious 12th, a date in August which is the traditional start of the hunting season for Grouse.

Photographs are less restrictive than Grouse. You can hunt them anytime...but next Saturday is a glorious day to do so!

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA are having a festival at the moment and as part of that there will be a unique PhotoHunt, taking in some stunning architecture in Leeds.

Here's a link to the Leeds Architectural PhotoHunt page of the RIBA "Love Architecture" website.

It starts at 1pm from the Museum steps in the 23rd and there's a link for where to register.

Yes, register. Of course it's still free but this one's all official. If you've been intending to make it to a PhotoHunt before but not got around to it, make this the one. It's going to be fantastic!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

A Small Virtual PhotoHunt

Virtual PhotoHunt is a game anyone, anywhere can play via twitter.

We announce a word. Your task is to take a picture relating to that word. Think laterally, think logically, don't think at all - it's up to you. Photos will be judged on composition and creativity, not technical merit, so feel free to snap away with your cameraphone as much as a £2000 DSLR.

Once you're happy with your picture, email it to, post it to Twitter either mentioning @leedsphotohunt or hashtag it #LVPH, or post it to our Flickr group.

The best ones will be ReTweeted and posted on this blog.

The word this time is "SMALL" and this week you have until 6pm on Sunday to enter.

The winner, chosen on a complicated and unquestionable basis by us, receives a unique yet almost entirely worthless certificate but it does include a free drink at the next walking PhotoHunt you get to!

A quick reminder that the next one is on Monday at 6pm. See the previous blog for details.

Good luck

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


In some ways, everyone who entered the Leeds Virtual PhotoHunt last week was a winner, but in a more real, actually winning way, it was KarolineK with her interpretation of Metamorphosis who was successful.

Here it is for you to go "ooh clever" at.

Karoline has been sent a surprisingly professional looking certificate, together with the money-can-buy prize of a drink on us at a future PhotoHunt.

This Friday there will be another word announced and as its a bank holiday weekend, you have a WHOLE WEEKEND to find that perfect picture.

The photogenic weekend will culminate in a walking PhotoHunt, around Leeds City Centre, starting from the Museum steps at 6pm.

An hour of hunting for that perfect photo of as many of the list we give you as possible. It's creativity over quantity, but the list has been completed by a team in the past - can you match them?

Whether you get one stunning photo or 50 half-arsed ones, it's then off to the pub for a drink and to see who's won the star prize as Master of the Hunt.

Watch out for the unveiling of the word on Friday and hopefully see you on Monday too.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Metamorphosis / Miserable

*Update* Entries on the subject "Miserable" also now being accepted

A word that conjures up all sorts of images.
Well, grab your DSLR; Compact; Mobile or any other device you can get an image online with and show us what it conjures up for you!
This week, you can either email them to us at or if you have a twitter account hash tag them with #LVPH or mention @leedsphotohunt
We also have a Flickr group of the same name if you'd like to join in there.
The best photographic depictions of the word will be retweeted and posted here and we will choose a winner to receive an entirely unvaluable commemorative certificate. (Plus an IOU for a free drink if you come along to one of the non-virtual photohunts we run in Leeds!)
Be creative. Have fun. Join in.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Back into the light

After spending the dark evenings enjoying the hospitality of public houses, using everything from plastic models to real ones via cress to produce works of art, photohunt returns to the light next month.

To warm up for the walking photohunts, there will be a virtual photohunts or two over the next couple of weeks.

We give you a word, you take a photo related to it and upload it to the Flickr group, tweet it to @leedsphotohunt or email it to and the best will be posted here.

Get ready to click.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Leeds Photohunt - February

After a brief break to recover from Christmas, Leeds Photohunt is back! We'll be meeting on 6th February at The Victoria pub on Great George St from 6.30pm. As it's still cold and rainy, we'll be indoors, and the theme will be FASHION (don't worry, you don't need to be fashionable).

All you need to bring is yourself, your camera and the intent to have fun. As always, there will be EPIC PRIZES* to be won.

See you there!

*may not be epic, but there will be prizes