Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Leeds Waterfront Festival 2012

This weekend is Leeds Waterfront Festival and along with all the other entertainment on offer, you can also join in a PhotoHunt while you explore and enjoy.
For those new to PhotoHunt, we give you a list of 50 words and you have to find and take photographs of all of them. Usually there's a time limit, but with the festival being on all weekend, we're letting you have the list so you can explore at your own pace.
You don't have to be a great photographer and the challenge is to come up with creative pictures, but all the words on the list can be found along and around the waterfront walk.
Can you find all 50?
Some are easier than others and we reckon five of them are a real challenge. If you can find all five of the words in capitals, email them to us and there may be a prize for the first one to get all five.
There's also an extra Word of the Weekend. Send us your best picture of that word and the one we think is best will be announced here and on twitter.
The list will be published before the festival, but not too far in advance - we don't want anyone being too keen and starting the hunt early!
In the meantime, check out The Leeds Waterfront Festival website for more details and check back here on Friday for the list and more information.
Any questions, you can reach us on or tweet us @leedsphotohunt

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